Forced “Respect”

A picture speaks a thousand words. Note: a quick look at the headgear demonstrates these were not only NYPD members. So Bratton coerced the cops to salute today, and the media loved it. Congrats, Commish.  A once proud leader, Bratton is now a disgrace.

New Attorney General

So the President nominates Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney for the EDNY, to succeed outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. After giving lip service to a litany of typical matters which constitute DOJ’s mission: the POTUS was constrained to add “all while vigorously defending Civil Rights”. “Fast and Furious”, the IRS scandal, murder epidemic in Chicago, etc, …

New Attorney General Read More »

Mr. Holder, I Hardly Knew Ye; or “Election Day Blues”

So I’m done with all the “platform” stuff. If you’ve browsed  the “pages”, you either think I have the experience to talk out of an orifice other than my ass, or you think I’m just another wannabe pundit, like the seeming thousands of “former prosecutors” on cable TV, who qualify as legal “experts” by virtue …

Mr. Holder, I Hardly Knew Ye; or “Election Day Blues” Read More »

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